Fujifilm FinePix S100FS Review

Review Date: July 15th 2008
Author: Gavin Stoker

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Introduction / Ease of Use
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Image Quality
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Sample Images
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Ratings (out of 5)
Image Quality
Value for Money

The first thing that impresses about the Fujifilm FinePix S100FS is its build and weight – a large proportion of that due to the chunky optic bolted onto the front – and, image quality apart, it's an impression that stays with you. Being well thought out, intuitive in the main and attractive into the bargain, the design and layout can't really be faulted, save for that slightly stiff and tricky to turn control for switching between metering modes at the rear. Other negatives are that initially the S100FS' pricing appears prohibitively high, the camera is sluggish to start up compared to a 'proper' DSLR, and battery life is only average to poor. And, OK, so it's not the most portable bridge model out there, but those who will get the most out of the S100FS are the same photographers looking for access to a wide variety of possible shots, framings and compositions without having to alter their stance or move their feet. If you can overcome that price tag – or hunt down a more enticing price online, which doesn't force an either/or purchase between this and a mid-range DSLR, then the Fujifilm FinePix S100FS is easily worthy of a Highly Recommended verdict from the PhotographyBLOG ratings board.

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Introduction / Ease of Use
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Image Quality
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Sample Images
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DIWAPhotographyBLOG is a member of the DIWA organisation. Our test results for the Fujifilm FinePix S100FS have been submitted to DIWA for comparison with test results for different samples of the same camera model supplied by other DIWA member sites.

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